Robbins Hall

Client: Optivo (now Southern Housing)
Contract Sum: £11,962,261.81
Role: Architect
Contractor: Durkan Limited

A development of 58no. new dwellings of varying size, ranging from 1 bedroom flats to 4 bedroom townhouses following the demolition of the existing Robbins Hall student accommodation blocks. Two terraces of 9no. townhouses were located between 3no. four-storey blocks of apartments. The scheme consists of 100% affordable accommodation and formed part of the wider development of the Ponders End area of Enfield providing continuation of design elements from an award-winning precedent scheme on the adjacent site.

Churchill Hui undertook the roles of Employer’s Agent and Architect. The main focus of design, construction and maintenance was the requirement to successfully manage the perceived flood risk of the site. Due to the site’s location the Environment Agency pre-determined that all ground floors must be significantly raised to accommodate local flood levels. This increased emphasis on an innovative, flood resistant and resilient design led to an agreement in principle with the Environment Agency in respect of submitted proposals. The use of raised pedestrian walkways allows for the movement of floodwaters, which continues under buildings, and keeps the potential flow route free from preventative obstacles. The use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) throughout the design, including several green roofs and permeable block paving to the ‘Homezone’ street, also help in the long-term preparation against a 1 in 100 year storm event.

With simple brickwork detailing, zinc clad upper storeys and a mix of inset loggias and bolt-on balconies addressing all elevations, the scheme presents an even aesthetic across varied perspectives. Fully compliant with London Plan criteria, the design also harbours a strong sense of symmetry with appropriate scaling that contributes positively to the evolving urban grain of this regenerated area of Enfield.

Employer’s Agent

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