New Private Dwelling

Client: Private individual
Architect: Churchill Hui

The site, currently occupied by a derelict bungalow sits within a small town in Hampshire. Churchill Hui were approached by a private individual to design a replacement dwelling more suitable for modern family living.

We worked with the client to refine their brief and get a clear understanding of how they as a family wanted to live and use spaces. The plot benefits from a large garden and views over a river which the client wanted to take advantage of with a strong relationship between inside and outside. The existing street scene features an array of architectural styles but primarily comprises low-rise bungalows and chalet style single family residences and we recognised that our design needed to reflect this massing while significantly increasing usable floor space. With a low ridge and eaves, a large balcony overlooking the garden from a generous master bedroom suite, our proposed design satisfied these requirements.

To bring the proposal to life for our clients we created a 3D model and visualisations which also form part of our planning application and have been presented to the planning department for consideration.


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